The umbrellas, or capacities, are Consciousness of Context, Consciousness of Self, and Consciousness of Others. By honing the different characteristics under these umbrellas we can intentionally devevelop ourselves into better leaders.
With all of this in mind I reflected upon my past experiences and underwent the EIL leadership inventory.
My strongest facet turned out to be Consciousness of Self. This really makes sense to me because I do see my self as a disciplined individual. I am constantly looking at my goals and assuring that I reach them. I strongly believe that we are responsible for ourselves and my strengths in this facet really reflects that. In other words, I'm awesome and I know I'm awesome, and I will continue to be awesome because of my understanding of my awesomeness! Awesome?
This guy gets it!!! |
Within Consciousness of Self, my strongest capacities turned out to be Honest-Self Understanding and Emotional-Self Control
Honest Self Understanding means that you are aware of your strengths and your limitations. They have a complete understanding of the both positive and negative aspects of their personalty. I definitely feel this is the case. I have a natural tendency towards self evaluation and focusing on my strengths, which is why I am stronger in this area. I think this tendency comes out of the way I was raised to hone my own personal strengths and work hard to improve my weaknesses.
Emotional Self control means being able to regulate your emotions. I think this comes through because I have always been able to keep a cool head. I believe this comes from me being the youngest in my family. I always had to take everybody's grief and this helped me to develop a thick skin and it keeps me from blowing up when I am upset by something. This doesn't mean that I am not affected by my emotions, but I always keep them in check.
On the other hand my weakest facet is Consciousness of Others. I believe this comes out of my tendency to not hold others up to my own standards. I am very conscious of others but I don't necessarily go out of my way to develop them because I focus so much on ensuring that I do my own job.
Within Consciousness of Others, my weakest capacities turned out to be Coaching and Inspiration. I feel as though I am a very empathetic person, but I suppose I do not always go out of my way to analyze others. I believe this comes out of my own belief that you are responsible for doing your OWN best. This hurts me because it is harder for me to work on helping others enhance their skills and abilities. Additionally, this focus on self doesn't do me any favors in the inspiration category. Again, it is hard to focus on a shared vision when you are only working on improving yourself.
These guys have a shared vision and they are ready to march! |
After reflecting on my own personal experience EIL has really brought put some interesting questions. Clearly I am a very driven, dedicated, and focused. However, I have issues transferring my goals and my motivation to others. This is largely due to my focus on ensuring that I live up to my own standards, but at the cost of helping others also measure up. In the future this is one huge area that I will need to work on to become a more Emotionally Intelligent Leader! I hope to immediately begin to work on these capacities by reaching out to others in my student organizations and personally asking them how I can help them succeed. In the end a great organization can never function well if the entire team is moving together towards a shared vision!